right now, just bits and pieces

Monday, June 7, 2010

rock, stone, cement, wood.
elements designed as ours, but not owned.
structures harness power and release importance.
signs indicate direction but fail to provide a path as
rivers discover bends and curves.
water will show patience.
trunks feign support while
limbs breathe confidence to leaves, leaves to us.
breezes fail to take breath away,
simply emulate earths sighs, disappointment
in day to day, joy of storms of grey and wet.
fly below it as sun follows time and round earth resigns itself
to orbit.
creatures great and greater slide
as if forgiven, though sins need no atonement.
days of hours complete a simple
cycle, often recognized.
let the leaves fall, the white blankets will come and find themselves gone before long.
but never owned.