right now, just bits and pieces

Thursday, March 6, 2008

zero tolerance!! ha!

i need to find a balance here and soon. i am not sure what has happened, but there is a definite change in the atmosphere of the classroom.

we got a new student, just as the class had kind of settled in and got used to each other and that might have created a rift. but i can't imagine that is all.

as i am reflecting on these past few weeks (2) i am doing my best to get some thoughts together as to why they are acting this way.

the simple realization that they could still be coming back from vacation and haven't quite adjusted yet is one theory.

i question this theory because most of the students have been able to bring themselves back into "school mode" with just a couple of students pushing everyone's buttons.

one student in particular really has me confused, troubled, and concerned. his behavior has gone from mildly obnoxious to full-blown out of control. it may be attention based, it may be something going on at home, it may be that he hasn't been taking medication, or it could be a lashing out and testing his boundaries, seeing if anyone is there and concerned and trying to bring him back.

i would like to spend some more time with this student and have asked if he would like to eat lunch with me. he does want to, but i can't let him do that if he continues with his disruptive, disrespectful, and just plain mean behavior.

thinking about this student and what is happening has lead me to really focus on whether or not i have changed or adapted as the year has gone on. i believe i have set some more limitations as the year has gone on. these have come as i have realized some aspects of the day need to be more monitored and their behavior throughout the day needs to be more monitored visually (check system).

for future teaching experiences, i would like to implement these strategies earlier. my lessons have been smoother if anything but i fear that the reading lessons might be a little too difficult.

i need to continue to come up with more differentiated assignments and look into getting some different reading books.