right now, just bits and pieces

Friday, September 19, 2008

the blinding lack of reason

it continues to amaze me, the choices these students make.

one tick will set them off and they just can't recover, no perspective nor reasoning behind their actions.

a student became disruptive in class yesterday and was not following directions. after a brief time of letting him sit (and hoping he was gathering some thoughts) asked him to come out to the hallway.

once there, i get the silent treatment. something i can definitely handle and was slightly prepared for. one thing i do regret in my approach was that i was a bit too aggresive in the beginning, probably getting him a little bit too guarded and shutting down. but, i quickly toned it down and made sure to be a little more subdued. the reason i was a little too much too soon was because he really was being ridiculous. but obviously not the way he thought about it. also, his lack of listening to directions had me wanting to make sure he understood he needs to follow directions. anyway, round about talking here.

next, i was letting him know he is going to need to say at least a few words in order for us to be able to talk to each other. after awhile of being ignored, i let him know that he has two options. he can let me know if he needs to go to the principal or he can stay with me. still ignoring me, i let him know that if he says nothing at all, there will be consequences and he will be visiting the principal.

needless to say, he stays silent and we go upstairs and he begins to just walk around and be a general pain in the butt, nothing really bad, just a nuisance. to make this story short, he was adamant that he wasn't going to do his reflection paper and was not going to listen to me.

he thinks for a few minutes, listens to me, still adamant that he isn't doing the reflection. told him he should reconsider.

he came in the this morning with his paper.

i must have done something right. he also had a great day today. sweet.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


they are almost becoming endearing.

funny note on the day.

usually i keep either a pen or pencil behind my ear throughout the day. last week, the students were making fun of me and started putting pencils behind their ears. i laughed and contemplated cutting their ears off with scissors and then kept teaching. that kind of died off, but i have noticed the past couple days that individual students will put their pencils behind their ears when they are thinking about a problem or waiting for their next instruction.

pretty funny and cute. good thing i didn't cut their ears off.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


......i really hope that this is not just that.

the students have certainly shown they are getting more comfortable with the school year, but i still feel a million times better than last year.

i have always, no matter how bad the circumstances, been ok with standing in front of a class. last year, the problem was nobody would ever listen. ever.

this year, they are listening.

i believe this is partly due to the fact that i have some idea what i am actually supposed to and going to be teaching on a day-to-day basis. right now we are working on a tommie depaola unit for ela, incorporating writing into that a little bit. i have a pretty sweet writing assignment i think i am going to start tomorrow about heroes. with so many of these students looking up to less than desireable role models, i want to work with them to identify the positive traits that heroes can provide.

math is still a bit of a review, but i was actually able to sit with them today, work with a lesson i had planned (swish) and even do an activity afterwards. i don't think we did that once last year.

having only 6 students is finally affording me the opportunity to teach. i feel so bad for the 4th grade teacher because she has 13 kids. what a ridiculous thing. but, i am very thankful it's not me, because i have a feeling that i wouldn't nearly as positive as i am right now (see last year).

classroom management is not really an issue with 6 students, but there are still some things they will do to push each others buttons that i am going to continue to work on.

may the honeymoon last forever.

Friday, September 5, 2008

year 2

back at it.

summer was intense and as much as i loved being able to sleep in, i really need to be back in a regular routine.

so far, i am very, very happy about my students. they are at a much higher level than last year, don't have an innate desire to fight and stab each other, and are actually listening.

on a personal note, i feel much more prepared and ready to teach. i have a much better understanding of what i can get done and how to do it. last year was so overwhelming in the amount of material and lack of direction, but i feel confident and ready for this year.

i also hope that i will be posting with much more regularity, because it really does help a lot to get this stuff out of my head and i am able to analyze with a little more clarity after ranting about it.

off we go.